What is a Global Tag?

Global tags are setup inside the Global Settings area of the CRM account.   

Please note: Global tags can only be setup by users who have access to Global Settings such as Admin Users so Basic Users for instance will not be able to set these up.

Global Tags are added in the Global Settings section as shown below: 

Add your Global Tags into the text box as shown above in red. 


When you want to tag a contact record you will see your Global Tags listed as shown below with check boxes:


Select a Global Tag from the check boxes above to apply the tag(s) to your contact. 

What is an Adhoc Tag?


An adhoc tag is a tag that has been setup outside of Global Settings.  Therefore adhoc tags can be added by any user, whereby only Admin Users can add global tags as these users have access to Global Settings.

You can search on adhoc tags in just the same way that you can search on global tags.


How do I add an Adhoc Tag to a contact?

If you click on a contact record and click the green tick Tags icon as shown below in red it will bring up the Edit tags window.

Adhoc tags will be shown in the box at the bottom as shown above. 

These adhoc tags can be added by just typing a tag name in this text box area as shown below:

Just separate each tag name with a comma (,) before adding a new tag.  Click on Update to save.

How to make an Adhoc Tag a Global Tag?


To make an adhoc tag global you need to add the adhoc tag to the Global Tags box inside Global Settings – please make sure you add the adhoc tag exactly as it is shown for example if the adhoc tag is ‘trainer’ as shown in the example below: 

This must be typed into the Global Tags box exactly as it is shown – as the example shows below:


Please note you need to add the adhoc tag at the very end of the global tags list, adding a comma after the last global tag and once you have added your adhoc tag (please make sure no comma is added at the end of your new tag entry) click on Update Settings to save.

Your tag will now be shown as a global tag inside the contact record it was once an adhoc tag for:

Can I change a Global Tag and what happens? 

You can re-name any of the global tags you have set up by going into the Settings icon and selecting Global Settings.

Here you will see a list of your global tags, make changes to any tag names and remember to keep a comma in between each tag group. Use a hyphen for any more than 1 word i.e. new-lead, etc.

The old global tag you have changed will now become an adhoc tag so your contacts will still be listed by this old tag group, you will see these contacts by doing a tag search from the Contacts page.

This will then list the old tag group, you can use Bulk Tagging to apply the new tag you have created as a global tag to this group.