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Knowledge base
Getting Started with your CRM Account
Getting your CRM Account Set Up
Setting up and Managing your Default Settings
Can I customise my CRM account?
Do you offer Help Desk Support in UK?
Can my company logo be added to my CRM account?
Can I import my contacts data myself?
See all 10 articles
Why change to our CRM?
What does our CRM offer that I cannot get from Microsoft Outlook?
Why change from Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets to our CRM?
Designed specifically for small businesses taking into account affordability and easy to use
We do not want a complicated system!
Add, re-name, expire and search CRM users
How do I add a new user onto my CRM account?
How to search for a list of CRM users
Can I rename a user to another person? If so what happens to the previous users history and tasks?
How do I expire a user and what notice to give?
Manage your CRM users inside your account
Login Problems, new password
I have forgotten my password or account url so I cannot login to my CRM account
I cannot log into my CRM account why?
I have requested to reset my login password but I have not received an email with my password - why?
Can I change, reset or rename my current password?
The https: is in red text with a cross through it on my CRM URL address - why?
See all 6 articles
Account Management
Monthly Invoices and Payment Methods
What payment methods do you accept?
How do I view my invoices inside my CRM account?
Problems accessing invoices
Can you change the email address of who receives the Direct Debit notification email?
The Direct Debit notification email amount is different to invoice attached, why?
See all 8 articles
CRM Training
What CRM training programs do you offer?
User Security
CRM Security Access and User Policy
What security restrictions can the Key Account Manager request or set up?
Key Account Holder - how to restrict a Basic Users access
Start Up Tags - how to set up a default tag view of contacts for users
Set up File Repository security access with permissions
See all 9 articles
Security Restrictions for CRM Users
What security restrictions can the Key Account Manager request or set up?
Can I set up different levels of access for different users?
Tag based restrictions for users
Set up Read-Only Access for Users
Setting up security access restrictions for departments or locations within an organisation
See all 7 articles
Accountancy Package Integration
Xero Integration
Do you offer CRM integration with Xero?
Can invoices from Xero be pulled into your CRM?
Contact data from your CRM is not feeding over into Xero, why?
Contact record in my CRM account is only sending 1st line of address into Xero and not the full address, why?
Xero Support Desk contact details
Quick Books Integration
Can you push contact details from your CRM up into Quick Books?
Why are some of my CRM account contact details not pushing over to QuickBooks?
Can invoices from QuickBooks be pulled back into your CRM?
QuickBooks Support Desk contact details
Sage Integration
CRM integration with Sage
Browsers to use with your CRM
Which web browsers should I use to access your CRM?
What web browsers do you recommend for your CRM?
Bookmark your CRM or set shortcut login
How to save your CRM account as a bookmark or auto load on your PC or Mac
How do I bookmark my CRM account in Google Chrome?
How do I bookmark your CRM in Firefox browser?
How do I set your CRM to auto load in Firefox browser?
How to set up our CRM to auto load in Safari browser?
See all 9 articles
Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari cache issues
What browser should I use when using your CRM on a Windows PC?
How do I set up your CRM as a desktop icon on my Windows PC?
How to set up Google Chrome as default browser on my PC?
Find out what version of Google Chrome you are using and how to update to the latest version?
Clearing Cache in Google Chrome
See all 19 articles
Error Messages, System Running Slow etc
The system is down, no-one can log into the CRM, why?
My CRM system is running slowly...why?
I am getting an error message in Chrome when trying to login saying 'Your connection is not private' - why?
I am unable to open up a contact record, why?
Error warning message when trying to upload an image inside a contact record.
See all 14 articles
Built For Different Industry Sectors
Training and Event Management
Customised CRM for Training and Events Management Businesses
Contractors, Builders and Trades
Contractors, Builders and Trades CRM
Medical, Health and Beauty
Customised CRM for businesses in the medical, health and beauty industries
Financial Sector
Customised CRM for the Financial Sector
Recruitment Sector
Customised CRM for the Recruitment Sector
Built-In Marketing Services
SMS Messaging and Automated SMS Reminders
How to send an SMS message to a contact?
Can I send multiple SMS from different departments, names or numbers?
SMS Messaging Automated Reminders and Promotions
How to set up automated SMS appointment reminders
SMS text reminders for Plumbers, electrician and tradesmen
SMS Marketing
About SMS Marketing
SMS Marketing staying on the right side of the law
How to send out bulk SMS marketing
Why choose bulk SMS marketing as a way to reach prospects and customers?
Can I customise my SMS marketing messages?
See all 8 articles
e-Marketing Trigger Emails
About Email Marketing Trigger Tag Emails
How to send out birthday promotion or wishes to client on the day of their birthday?
Direct Mail and Mail Merge
About the Mail Merge and Direct Mail feature
About the Direct Mail Service - Letters and Postcards
A4 Direct Mail Shots
A5 Direct Mail Post Cards
How can I track a direct mailing number of a mailshot received and returned?
Tracking to Measure Marketing Responses
Call Tracking to Measure the Success of your Marketing Campaigns
Calendar and Customised Booking Features
Set-Up Events/Appointments
Overview of the Calendar section
How to set up and add an event or an appointment
How do I create a new calendar?
How to set up a recurring weekly appointment
How do I send out a calendar event invitation or reminder email?
See all 10 articles
How to Set Up Calendar Event Reminders
Tutorial Video - Calendar - Advanced Guide - recurring appointments and reminders
Setting up calendar reminders and times for reminders
How do I set up SMS calendar reminders
How do I set up an on screen pop up reminder for a calendar event?
Can I customise appointment invitations and reminders/confirmations with our company logo?
See all 6 articles
How to Manage Calendars - Hide, Share and Set Permissions
How to set up read-only access to a calendar
How to hide or restrict the view of calendars from other users?
How do I hide a calendar from other users but share with only certain people?
Publish CRM Calendars on a Website with URL Link
If I remove a calendar from my CRM account will I still be able to see previous appointments for that calendar?
See all 6 articles
Search Calendar Events
Can I search calendar events inside the calendar section?
Print off calendars and job sheets
Can I print off CRM calendars?
Can I print individual calendars for the relevant people?
Can I set up and print off a daily job sheet?
Customised Booking Features
Book appointments directly from a contacts record into the calendar and automate email and SMS reminders
Online booking widget for Health and Beauty Sector
Customised booking and reservation system
Calendar Synchronisation on Mobile, Tablet and Mac etc
What calendars can I sync with my CRM account? Issue still with iPhone/iPad/Mac
Sync your CRM account calendar with your Android mobile calendar
View your CRM account calendar on an iPhone or iPad
Set up Microsoft Outlook calendar 2-way sync with your CRM account
See your Google Calendar inside your CRM Calendar
See all 8 articles
Give Read-Only Access to Calendars for Engineers/Cleaners etc
Give URL Access to Calendars for Remote Staff
Calendar - Frequently Asked Questions
How to change the colour of a calendar?
Is there a cost for keeping an expired users calendar on our CRM account?
How can I insert the name and address of a customer from a task into the calendar?
Can I access my CRM account calendar on other devices?
How do I change an appointment?
See all 16 articles
Calendar Troubleshooting
Calendar events that I create and save are then not shown on the calendar - why?
I created an all day event but I just see a coloured line - why?
I cannot see all the calendars listed on the main Calendar page inside my CRM account, why?
The options on the Calendar to Create Event, Manage Calendars etc are not displayed correctly, why?
I cannot view my calendar in a different view - a message displays saying loading please wait, why?
See all 17 articles
Call Answering
Call Forwarding Service - e-Receptionist (IVR)
What is the Auto-Receptionist (IVR) service?
Can I use the Auto Receptionist (IVR) service on my existing phone line?
Virtual Receptionist Service
What is the difference between your call answering and auto receptionist services?
Call Answering Service - in association with Moneypenny
Call answering service - in association with
Call Answering Service - in association with
Contacts Database CRM
How to add a contact to your CRM account database
How to upload or change the image of a contact record
Can I set contacts to default to List view rather than Grid view?
How to set the Home tab as default for when recording contacts addresses and contact details
Scroll between different addresses on contacts business card
See all 10 articles
View Contacts in Grid, List or Map View
View contacts in List View
What is the difference between contacts shown in Grid view and List view?
Using Map View to see your contacts
In List View how to select either the first 50 or first 100 contacts or all of the contacts?
How to search tag group in Map View?
See all 7 articles
View Contacts in Organisation Mode or by Individual People
View Contacts by Organisation Mode or Individual Person Mode
Why use Organisation mode instead of People contact mode?
How to add an organisation contact and then add individual people under that same organisation
I cannot see contact in company mode with the other contacts but it shows in person mode, why?
Cloning Contacts
What is the difference between merging contacts and cloning contacts?
How to clone a contact
If I clone a contact does that new contact have the same information such as History, Notes etc as the contact I cloned from?
Merging Duplicate Contacts
How to merge duplicate contacts together?
What search criteria is used to find and merge duplicate contacts together?
If I merge two contacts together what happens to the Custom Fields, Notes, History and Tasks?
Can you bulk merge contacts together?
Why can I not see the merge button?
See all 9 articles
How do I associate multiple contacts to one company and record different locations?
How to add multiple contacts to one business record?
How do I associate multiple people to a company across different locations?
How do I associate a contact person to multiple companies?
Deleting contacts, individually, in bulk, in error
How do I delete a contact record?
How do I delete contacts in bulk?
How do I bulk delete contacts in a tag group?
I have accidentally deleted a contact - how do I restore it?
I cannot delete contacts but I am an Admin User with access to the Delete button, why?
See all 9 articles
Printing individual or list of contacts
How to print out a list of contacts
When I select the print button to print a list of my contacts I only get 1 page when I have more, why?
How can I print off a list of a segment of my contacts?
How to produce address labels from your CRM account contacts list
Uploading images or documents into a contact record
Store Files inside a Contact Record
How to add a different image to a contact?
How do I remove an attachment from an email I forwarded into a contact?
Issue with uploading a file inside a contact's record
I have been trying to upload a file into a contact's records but still no file has uploaded - I'm using an iPad
Notes - How to add Notes to a contact record
How to add Notes to a contact record?
What is the difference between adding a History and adding a Note against a contact?
Can I alter the size of text in notes to another size other than what is in the editing tools available?
View and Add History of Communication inside Contacts
How to use the History section inside a contacts record
How do I add or choose a History category inside a contacts record?
Custom History Types
Can I search for a document inside a contacts History?
I added coloured text inside a History entry but this does not display when I look at the history section inside a contact record, why?
See all 8 articles
History - Open In, Move and Forward History Communication
Managing History Activity - Forward History, Move History etc
Send SMS message from a contact record
How do I send an SMS message to a contact?
Contacts FAQs
Where is the best place to store an address for a contact?
What does 'Click to make default contact type' button mean when I add a new contact to the database?
What do the coloured numbered boxes against a contact mean?
What is the Star Rating in contacts and how do I use this?
I cannot open a file attachment within a contact record, why?
See all 21 articles
Contacts Troubleshooting
I am unable to open up any of my contacts, why?
I am unable to view all contacts or I cannot see the History inside a contact record - why?
When I click on a website enquiry on the Dashboard and add information to the contact record and save, the contact details entered disappear, why?
I am unable to open up any contacts on the contacts page in Grid View - why?
Error message when trying to upload an image
See all 20 articles
CRM Maintenance
Tidying up Data
How to tidy up your data ready for importing into your CRM account
How to tidy up existing data to re-import back into your CRM account
Tidying up Tags
How to remove tags in bulk from contacts
How to replace a tag with a new tag name
Tidying up Custom Fields
How do I change the order of custom fields
Can I change the format of a custom field?
Tidying up Tasks
Bulk delete tasks
Custom Fields to Capture Information
What are Custom Fields
What are Custom Fields and how to set them up?
How to Set Up Custom Fields
How to Add Custom Fields
Top Tips for Setting up Custom Fields...Dos and Do Nots!
How to set up a Custom Field as a Dropdown option?
How to set up a Custom Field as a Checklist option?
How to set up a Custom Field as a Date?
See all 11 articles
Custom Field Action Buttons
Free Custom Field Action Buttons to Add to your CRM Account
Book Appointment Button to Link to Calendar Booking
How does the SPAM button work and what happens if I accidentally mark a contact as SPAM?
View Last Date Custom Fields Edited inside a Contact
How do I know when custom fields inside a contact were last updated?
Custom Field FAQs and Troubleshooting
Setting up custom fields to be associated with more than 1 tag group - guidance on this
What happens to data contained in Custom Fields which is associated to a tag group if I remove that tag from a contact?
Custom Fields tag association has reverted back to all contacts rather than a selected tag, why?
Custom Field Dropdown is defaulting to top selection when I update another field, why?
Why is a Checklist setup inside Custom Fields automatically selected when I click update? This option should be left blank!
See all 14 articles
Custom/Professional Add-On Services
Automated Work Flow
Sale Pipeline Automation - Traffic Light Colour Coding
Standard Workflow Automation Example
Auto Lead Allocation - Ideal for Sales Teams
Automated Allocation of Sales Leads
Pop Up Scripts - Ideal for Call Centres and Sales Teams
On Screen Pop Up Scripts
Custom Dashboard/Noticeboard
Dashboard Notice Board Feature
How to Edit the Customised Notice Board
E-signature Documentation
Electronic Signature Document Automation
Forward signed electronic documents into your CRM
e-Signature Documentation and EU Law
I have not received any emails for me to send back the e-signature documents – why?
Email Campaigns Linked to Web Forms
Send targeted email campaigns with integrated web forms via your CRM account
Custom Reporting
Custom Reporting
Examples of Custom Reporting
Standard Reports inside your CRM account
Sales Report Layouts
Basic Source Report example
Call Activity report - ideal for call centres, help desk and telesales teams
Setting up a customised sales pipeline report
Work activity report for billing multiple clients
Work Activity Monthly report associated to multiple clients
Job/Event/Course Overview Report
Overview Job tracking report
Example overview of Courses or Events Dynamic Report
Example overview of Job Dynamic Report
About the Dashboard
What does the Dashboard show me?
What is the Customise link on the Dashboard?
How far back can I view my Dashboard activity?
How to Export Dashboard Activity
Change or add to the Dashboard layout
Dashboard Troubleshooting
Why are emails that I am sending out not shown on the Dashboard?
I sent an email to a contact but the email is not displaying on the Dashboard - why?
Scroll bar stuck on recent activity on Dashboard?
I have no scroll bar on my Dashboard so I cannot see much activity, why?
Time issue on Dashboard displaying 1 hour behind.
See all 12 articles
Data Import and Export
Data Importing
Data Import Video Guide
How to import data from an Excel Spreadsheet?
Where do I put in my tags on the data import template?
See how you can set Tags as you import data
How do I enter more than 1 tag group on my data import template?
See all 16 articles
Data Exporting
How to export your contacts
Can I export out a Tag group?
Do I choose windows 1252 or UFT-8 option to import or export out data with excel spreadsheets?
Can I export out more than one tag group of contacts at a time?
Can I export out contacts to view date contact was created or last updated?
See all 18 articles
Customise your Data Export Template
Can I change or customise my data export template and pull out specific columns only?
Can I change the data export template layout just for a user, but the rest of the team have the full data export template layout to use?
Data Importing and Exporting Issues
I imported data using the correct column headings but it did not import the contacts into my CRM database, why?
Error message pop up box saying ‘Warning’ when trying to import data, why?
Why are telephone/mobile numbers displayed differently?
The zero is missing at the front of the telephone/mobile numbers on my Excel sheet how can I fix this before I import my data?
I have imported my data but phone numbers, email addresses and address are not shown on the business card!
See all 20 articles
Importing and Exporting Custom Fields
Can I import Custom Field headings and information without having set up Custom Fields inside my CRM account?
How to populate Custom Fields on an Excel sheet to then import and automatically update?
How to populate Custom Field ROWS with data when importing data from an Excel spreadsheet?
Can I upload Custom Field data into rows with drop down menus, date and text fields?
How to populate Custom Field drop down options on an Excel spreadsheet for importing?
See all 10 articles
Merge Data on Import to Avoid Duplicate Contacts
If I import contacts into my account will the system automatically dedupe contacts for me?
What criteria is used when deciding to merge duplicate contacts on a data import?
Can I turn off the merge import feature to create duplicate contacts?
Data Import from Microsoft Outlook
How to Import Data from Outlook Contacts
How to export contacts from Outlook into a CSV file for importing into my CRM account
Data Cleansing
Data Cleansing - Guidance for Re-Importing Existing Data
How do I upload new data into existing contacts?
If I re-import the same data with new tags will it merge them with the existing ones?
If I re-import data with new tags will it over-write the exiting tags applied to my contacts?
Importing Contact Notes
How can I add the same note to more than one contact at a time in bulk?
Data Security and Data Back-Up
Data Security
How safe is my data and where is it stored?
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
What is General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
Stay GDPR compliant in your CRM account
Manage and Audit your contact data and marketing leads to be GDPR compliant
Automate Regular Copies of Data Back-ups
Can I back up the History text data inside a contacts record?
Custom backing up of data
Data Storage
Is there a limit to the number of contacts I can store in your CRM account?
How much disk or data storage does my account have?
Does my account have a data storage allowance or do you charge extra for disk storage per month?
Tips on how to keep your 10 Gigabyte of monthly data storage allowance down
MozyPro Back up PC or Mac Hard drive files
Automatically back up you and your teams PC hardrive using MozyPro
e-Marketing - About
All about Email Marketing
Tutorial Video - e-Marketing Show Me Around Tour
What is unique about e-Marketing?
e-Marketing Permission Based Policy - Please Read
What is the cost for using the e-Marketing service on top of my monthly subscription?
What is the best browser to use when using the e-Marketing software?
See all 12 articles
Email Marketing Pricing
How much does email marketing cost in UK Sterling £?
How much does email marketing cost in Euros?
How much does email marketing cost in $ Dollars?
How much does email marketing cost in South African Rand?
How do my monthly e-Marketing subscription charges work?
Email Marketing and the Law
Email Marketing and Anti Spam Policy
e-Marketing Regulations
Beware of contacts obtained from 3rd party data lists - guidance from the Information Commissioners Office
Purchasing data from a 3rd party data supplier - be aware
e-Marketing - Create Email Templates
Create Professional Email Templates
How to create email templates
eMarketing How To Video - see how to insert images, URL links, email links and more
Template Builder Software Guide
New Campaign Email Software Guide
What do the format options inside e-Marketing campaign editor allow me to do?
See all 34 articles
Adding an Unsubscribe Link
What is the Unsubscribe Link and why is it ESSENTIAL to add it to every email template I create?
How to add an Unsubscribe link
How does the unsubscribe of emails work in e-Marketing?
If someone has unsubscribed in the past from an email campaign - how can they now re-subscribe as they now wish to receive emails from us?
What happens when someone unsubscribes from my email campaign - does it delete the contact record?
See all 6 articles
How to Create Hyperlinks
What is the View Online link for and why should I add it to an email template?
How to create a hyperlink to a web page?
How to create hyper-links to a website from an image
How to set up links to social media icons in my email campaign?
How to create a hyperlink to an email address in my email template?
See all 7 articles
Attach a PDF to an Email Campaign
Can I attach a PDF or image to my email campaign?
Set Up Auto Responder Emails
What are e-Marketing Auto Responders and how to set these up?
Automated Email Reminders
Troubleshooting and FAQ's
I cannot change the font in my email template?
The width of my email is narrow - how do I change this?
How do I edit my email campaign? I cannot see an option called Edit.
I have accidently over-typed an email campaign once saved can I get my original email back?
How to edit an image size inside the image library so that it is inserted in the correct size into your email
See all 41 articles
e-Marketing - How to Send Email Campaigns
Pre-Send Checklist
Send Checklist
How to select which contacts you want to send your email out to
How do I send a test of my email campaign?
How to Send or Schedule an Email Campaign?
How to Send your Email Campaign - Step by Step Instructions
How do I Schedule an Email Campaign to go out?
I have scheduled an email campaign to be sent, where do I see the emails that are queued?
If I delete an email campaign that has emails scheduled to be sent what happens? Will these emails still be sent?
How do I cancel an email campaign that has been scheduled to go out?
See all 14 articles
Use Trigger Tags to Automate Emails
What are trigger Tag email campaigns and how to set them up?
Trigger Tags associated to an email are not working why?
Troubleshooting and FAQ's
Too many new recipients error message when I try and send out an email campaign
Why is the subject line of my email blank?
I sent myself a test email campaign and forwarded the email to my colleague but the format is not displaying correctly, why?
I cannot send a test email!
Why does my senders email address display support@ when I have entered an email address?
See all 25 articles
e-Marketing - Campaign Reporting
Email Marketing Reporting
Can I see reporting features in e-Marketing?
Where can I find a report of my email campaign?
Understanding the results of my email campaign
Can I print off e-Marketing reports?
Why do emails bounce or get blocked in the e-Marketing service?
See all 33 articles
Improve Email Deliverability and Spam Complaints
Best practices for preventing email being blocked by spam filters
Authenticating senders email address, SPF, DKIM and DMARC to improve email deliverability,
Does the content of my email campaign have an impact on the deliverability?
Use Email Testing - See How your Email Scores to Help with Email Deliverability
Spam Filters and Whitelisting your email address as a trusted source
See all 13 articles
Troubleshooting and FAQ's
I sent an email campaign out to a tag group with 800 contacts - why has the email only be sent to 715 contacts?
Why was my email campaign marked as 'spam pre-blocked'?
High percentage of emails going into spam? Check your domains IP address is not blacklisted
Why does email go into spam in my Outlook account and what can I do?
Why does email go into spam in my Hotmail account and what can I do?
See all 12 articles
e-Signature Service
About the e-Signature Service
About the e-Signature Feature
How to use the e-Signature Feature
e-Signature FAQ's and Troubleshooting
File Storage Online
File Repository
About the Files section inside your CRM account
How do I upload files into the Files repository?
What type of files can I upload into the File Repository?
How can I view or preview files inside file repository?
What is the file capacity allowance for the File Repository?
See all 7 articles
Set Up Folders and Sub-Folders
How to set up file sub folders within folders?
How do I rename a file?
How to Remove Files and Folders
How to remove a file from the File Repository
How to remove a folder?
How to Download Files
How to download files from the File Repository
Editing Files to Automatically Update inside the File Repository
What types of file formats can I edit in the File Repository?
How do I edit files in the file repository?
Can I update files inside my CRM account?
Attach Files and Create URL Links to Files
Send emails with file attachments straight from a contact record
Can I attach my files from the file repository onto an email in my CRM account?
How to create a URL hyperlink to a file inside the Files repository
How to create URL links to Word and Excel documents inside the File Repository
File Permissions and Security
Specify permissions on the File Manager
Sync Files with WebDav using Windows
Sync Files on your PC with Files inside your CRM Account
How to set up file sync with WebDav on Windows PC
Can I drag and drop folders as well as files into the file repository inside my account?
WebDav File Sync with Windows FAQs
Drag and Drop Files into History of contact record
Ability to drag and drop files from desktop into the History section of a contact
Files Troubleshooting
I cannot attach a file from the File Repository to an email. Getting error messages trying to access files!
I am unable to open files in the file repository, why?
I have added images to my e-Marketing library why can I not see these inside the Files section?
How to view or download a file inside the Files section using an iPad or iPhone
e-Signature Documentation and EU Law
e-Signature Documentation and EU Law
Store Zoom Meeting Recordings
Upload Zoom Meeting Recordings into the CRM
Forms - Integrate Forms with your CRM
Create Forms for use with your CRM
Create Forms inside your CRM
Use Forms while out and about online and offline
Use Forms on a Mobile or Tablet Offline and Online
Manage website enquiries with your CRM
Auto Feed Web Form Enquiries into your CRM
Automate acknowledgement emails to people who make a website enquiry
Survey Forms
Send out Surveys from your CRM account
Integrating Email Clients - Send Email via Contact Record
Integrating Email Clients - Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail etc with the CRM system
Can I send emails via my email client i.e. Outlook, Gmail etc inside my account?
Can I send email to my contacts - via my email client but have a copy of the email go into my CRM account?
Setting up Outlook as my default mailto: email client
How do I link my Hotmail (Windows Live Mail) into my CRM account?
How do I set my Yahoo email as the default email client in my CRM account?
See all 14 articles
How to Send an Email to a Client by Integrating your Email Client
How to send out an email via contact record using your email client such as Outlook, Gmail etc
I have more than 1 email address that I send emails from, how do I link this to my user profile?
Email sent to a contact has not copied across into the contacts record inside the History, why?
Sending email to our email drop box address is not landing inside the contacts record, why?
I have sent out emails via the CRM to my contacts today but they are not landing inside the contacts history, why?
See all 9 articles
Forwarding Emails into your CRM Account Individually or Automatically
Using the email dropbox address when sending emails or forwarding emails into the CRM system
How to forward an email into a specific contact record?
Auto feed all email directly into your CRM account and set up an optional spam filter
Automatically send emails from known contacts into your CRM
Can I send an email to multiple email addresses and have them forwarded into my CRM account?
See all 9 articles
Stop Spam Emails Forwarding into CRM Account
How to mark emails sent into your CRM account as SPAM so they are not forwarded into the CRM system again?
Email Integration FAQs
If I send an email via my email client such as Outlook why does the Bcc: field not automatically populate with my CRM account drop box address?
All my emails automatically forward into my CRM dropbox address but some emails received from contacts do not appear inside the CRM system why?
How to see if an email was sent out using my email client, i.e. Outlook or via the internal pop up email service?
Can I set up an automatic forward into my dropbox for emails I send out so that they are copied across into my CRM account?
Can I have a copy of all outgoing emails sent via my CRM account to go to my email address?
Email Integration Troubleshooting
My Gmail Email client has reverted back to Outlook when trying to send emails
Every time I click on a contacts email address a pop up email comes up instead of my email client why?
Emails sent to our unique dropbox address to land inside the CRM are bouncing back as undelivered, why?
Why has an email I forwarded into my CRM account landed inside my own contact record and not the persons record it should be stored in?
Why are messages to our email dropbox taking so long to land inside the CRM system?
See all 15 articles
Internal Pop Up Email Service - Track Emails over the e-Marketing Platform
How to use the Internal Pop up Email Service
How to use the Internal Pop Up Email Service inside your CRM account
How to set up a customised signature template and a generic signature template to then insert into a pop up email
Internal Pop up Email Service FAQs
Common FAQ's for the Internal Pop Up Email System
Internal Pop Up Email Troubleshooting Issues
Email sent out via the pop up email service has not recorded inside the History or on the Dashboard, why?
Internal email template with attachment has not sent - no copy in history of contact - why?
The mail merge features are not working inside the pop up email why?
Emails I sent which I know have been opened are still shown as 'SENT' why?
Emails sent which are marked as 'SENT' have not been received by my contact why?
See all 12 articles
MAC PC iPhone and iPad
iPhone and iPad
How to access your CRM account via iPhone or iPad?
How do I access the full CRM version on my iPhone?
What version of IOS do you have for iPhone and iPad?
Download Google Chrome Browser for iPad or iPhone
How to make Google Chrome the Default Browser on my iPad?
See all 18 articles
Issues with using CRM on a Mac Book
Problems using CRM account on a Mac, why?
Using a Mac - I cannot see the scroll bar in custom field drop down menus
My login details are not saving when trying to login on a Mac computer, why?
Using Mac with Yosemite OSX operating system and I am unable to use the CRM to send emails direct to contacts!
There is no scroll bar inside contacts record to view History - using a Mac Book Pro
See all 6 articles
iPhone or iPad issues
I cannot login to my account on my iPad but can on my iPhone and PC, why?
Unable to access my CRM account on my iPhone 6S why?
Upgraded iOS 7 on iPhone problems now with clicking on phone number to dial
iPad will not play my call recording or voicemail message which are in .wav file format, why?
My CRM on an iPad 3 is running very very slow, why?
See all 13 articles
Mobile and Tablets
Mobile Version of our CRM
Can I access my CRM account on a mobile phone or tablet?
Is the mobile version of your CRM the same as the PC, Mac or Tablet version?
When viewing my email campaign on my mobile I cannot see any images only see links, why?
Smart Phones and Other Android Tablets
How do I access my CRM account on my Blackberry?
How can I get a full screen view of my account on my Netbook?
Calendar and Contact Synchronisation
How to sync your CRM contacts with your iPhone contacts
View your CRM Calendar on your iPhone or iPad
Sync your CRM calendar with your Android mobile calendar
How to display your CRM Calendar on Samsung Galaxy tablet and how to see Samsung calendar?
Project Management 360 Degrees - FAQs
All about 360 Degree Project Management CRM
360 Degree Project Management - Cleaner, Client and Job - Cleaning Industry Sector
Common issues reported using Project Management 360 Degree
Not all projects that have candidates listed are linking correctly into the candidates profile, why?
Monthly CRM User Pricing Overview
CRM User Monthly Subscription - Sterling £
CRM Monthly Subscription - Dollars $
CRM Monthly Subscription - Euros €
CRM User Monthly Subscription - South African Rand
Email Marketing Pricing
Email Marketing Pricing in £ Pounds Sterling
How much does email marketing cost in Euros €?
How much does email marketing cost in US Dollars $ ?
How much does email marketing cost in South African Rand?
SMS Messaging Pricing
SMS Messaging Pricing
Pricing - Sending Bulk SMS Marketing or Reminders
SMS Ad-Hoc Messaging Cost
Direct Mail Pricing
Direct Mail Service
VoIP Phone Line Pricing Overview
VoIP Monthly Line Charge, Call Bond, Call Tariffs and more
IVR (Auto Receptionist) Service
VoIP Phone Handsets and Headset Pricing
VoIP Phone Equipment Pricing
Website Form Integration Pricing
Auto Feed Web Forms directly into your CRM account
Additional Data Storage Pricing
Pricing for Extended File Storage
Do I have to pay VAT outside of UK?
Sales and Order Tracking
Automate Work Flow Processes
Automate Workflow Processes
Examples of Custom Fields for tracking sales and orders
Can I set up an automatic allocation of leads/contacts to my sales team?
Pop up Scripts
Bepoke on-screen pop up scripts ideal for Call Centres and Sales Teams
Automated Sales Lead allocation to sales team
Filter out sales leads and allocate to sales team automatically
Search Contacts by Tags, Custom Fields, History and e-Marketing
Different Ways to Search Contacts
How to search contacts inside the CRM database?
How to search on Tags and Custom Fields together?
Search contacts by Address or Postcode
Search Custom Fields and Bulk Tag the results
Search contacts by Star Rating
See all 7 articles
How to Search by Tags
Different ways to search a contact by tag
How can I search on contacts without a Tag?
How to Search on Custom Fields
How to search on Custom Fields?
Search Custom Fields and Bulk Tag Contacts
Can I export out a custom field search?
Custom Field Search History Button - how to use this to search History
How to search custom field date ranges
Search by History, Calendar or Emarketing
Search Filtering in History, Tasks and Email Marketing
SMS Marketing
About SMS Marketing
About SMS Marketing inside your CRM account.
SMS Marketing and the Law
SMS Marketing Pricing
How to Send an SMS Message
How to send out an SMS message to a contact
How to send out Bulk SMS messaging
SMS Message Automation
Automate SMS reminders and promotions
Create customised automated SMS messages
How can I make sure an SMS message is sent from my own number or company name?
How can I check what SMS charges have been applied to my account?
Do I get charged if my SMS shows as Failed?
If people reply to the SMS message where does it go to?
Do I need a VoIP line in order to be able to send out SMS messages?
See all 15 articles
SMS Troubleshooting
I sent an SMS message but it is shown as Queued why has it not been sent yet?
Why does an SMS message sent show on the Dashboard as (DELIVERED - 2) Why is there a 2?
SMS Automated Reminder not received, why?
I have sent an SMS out via the system - why has it not been sent - it is shown as RECEIVED?
SMS text message delivery error message queued then display error: (SMSCR-26), why?
See all 9 articles
Sync Calendars and Contacts
Outlook Calendar Sync
How to sync Microsoft Outlook Calendar (desktop version only) with your CRM calendar
Can I sync my Outlook calendar using Microsoft Outlook Exchange with my CRM calendar?
Google Calendar Sync
View your Google calendar inside your CRM account
Google Calendar Sync FAQs and Troubleshooting
Mac Calendar Sync
View your Mac Calendar inside your CRM Account
Windows Live/Hotmail Calendar Sync
View your Windows Live/Hotmail Calendar inside your account
Outlook Calendar Sync - FAQs
What versions of Outlook are compatible to sync calendars in my CRM account?
Outlook Calendar Sync Troubleshooting
Outlook Calendar Sync FAQs
Mobile Sync
How to export your iPhone contacts out into Excel CSV file format to then import into your CRM account
How to sync your contacts with your iPhone
How to sync your contacts with Android mobile
How to sync your CRM calendar with your calendar on an Android mobile phone for 2-way sync
View your CRM Calendar on your iPhone or iPad
Mobile Sync Troubleshooting and FAQs
What happens if I do not set up a sync tag inside the SyncML settings?
I have removed my sync tag from my CRM contacts and now they are not shown on my iPhone/Android mobile why?
I have added the sync tag back to my contacts who were previously synced to my iPhone/Android mobile but now they are not shown on my mobile why?
Contacts in my CRM account are not synced over to my iPhone contacts why?
What happens to contacts in my CRM that are already contacts on my iPhone if I do the iPhone contacts sync?
See all 6 articles
Outlook Contacts Sync
Outlook contacts sync with your contacts inside my CRM account
How do I find out what version of Outlook I use?
Outlook contacts sync FAQ's
Outlook Contacts Sync Troubleshooting
Outlook contacts sync error message when I select a contact folder
Outlook contacts - what happens if I have not set up a sync tag?
Outlook sync test successful but no contacts between Outlook and the CRM are syncing across why?
Tags - Set Up and Segment Contacts
How to Set Up Tags
What are Tags - How to Set Up, Search and Segment Contacts using Tags
Examples of Tag or Category groupings
What are Contacts Start Up Tags and how do I set these up?
What is the difference between a Global Tag and an Adhoc Tag?
How to remove Global Tags from inside the Settings so they do not appear at all?
See all 10 articles
How to Search by Tags
How to use Tag searching
How to use Tag searching and why are some tag names in larger font?
How do I find contacts that have not been tagged in my account?
How do I search contacts but exclude a tag(s) group?
I need to search on a tag group but exclude a tag within that tag group, how do I do this?
How to Add or Remove Tags
How to apply a tag to a single contact record?
How to remove a tag from a single contact record?
Tagging contacts individually and in bulk
How to add a tag to contacts in bulk?
How to remove a tag in bulk
See all 9 articles
Tags FAQs
Why can I not see my tags in the tag search box?
I deleted a tag from the global tags box - but it is still shown when I use the tag search filter why?
Tag search problems - it is displaying a blank box or it just locks up, why?
Can I set up automatic Tag(s) to be added to a new contact that is created manually in my account?
I have removed a tag from a company, however individual people at the company are still tagged with the tag I no longer need - why?
See all 6 articles
Task Management
Task Management
Tutorial Video - Guide to Using Tasks
Creating Tasks and Associating Tasks with Contacts
Setting up Task Folders
Automated Tasks and Task Reminder Emails
Can I add Tasks to my Calendar and set up a Pop Up Reminder?
See all 6 articles
Viewing Other Users Tasks, Assigning and Reassigning Tasks
View other peoples tasks
Assigning tasks to others
Can I reassign a task that was assigned to me, over to another user?
Using Shared Task Folders
Add Shared Task folders to track and monitor tasks to completion
Can I view ALL Shared Task Folders if I am an Admin User?
I can see ALL task folders but other CRM users can only see certain ones, why?
Task Restriction
Make Tasks Read-Only
Task Email Reminders
When do I receive a task email reminder and what does this email look like?
How can I switch the email task reminders on or off?
Why are task reminder emails shown on the Dashboard?
Why am I not receiving task emails to remind me or update me on tasks?
Tasks - FAQs and Troubleshooting
Why are some tasks different colours?
Can you sort tasks by date and time?
How do I delete an individual task?
Can I restore a task if it is deleted?
If a deleted contact is restored, are the tasks associated with the contact restored as well?
See all 20 articles
Tracking Jobs, Repairs, Courses and Events
Tracking Trade Jobs, Installations, Snags and Maintenance
Basic Tracking of Jobs and Snags - Decking Installation
Basic Tracking of Jobs - Plumbing and Heating
Tracking MOT's, Deliveries,Removals
MOT Tracking
Event Management Tracking
Basic Tracking of Events
Course and Training Tracking
Basic Tracking examples for courses and training events
VoIP Phone, Mobile and Conference Lines
CRM integrated VoIP - Features and Pricing
About CRM VoIP including Pricing
How to add a VoIP Phone line onto your account
Porting In or Porting Out Telephone/VoIP Numbers
Can I port IN my existing phone number?
Can I port OUT my existing VoIP phone number to another VoIP provider?
Why can I not port over my phone line from VoIPfone?
Can I port over a Danish number into my CRM account?
Can I port in a Skype phone number to your VoIP platform?
Available Local Area Numbers and National, Premium Numbers
Local Geographic VoIP Line Numbers
Do you provide 0845 numbers in the UK and if so how much do they cost?
Do you provide 03 numbers for UK customers?
Do you provide 0800 numbers in the UK and if so what are the call charges?
Important changes in law for use of Premium Numbers in EU countries
See all 7 articles
Conference Lines
What is a conference line, how much does it cost to set one up?
What is a conference line and can I use conference calling from my Gigaset handset?
Mobile VoIP
Can I port in my mobile number?
Mobile call recording and storing mobile calls inside your CRM account.
VoIP Phone Line Set Up and Configuration
System Requirements and Pre-VoIP Checks
VoIP System Requirements, Routers and Broadband Speed
How to check my current broadband connection is suitable for VoIP
Pre VoIP Checklist to follow if you would like to add a VoIP line to your CRM
Can you recommend different VoIP phone equipment depending on size of my business?
Public IP address for VoIP Dynamic or Static
See all 6 articles
VoIP Phone Set Up User Guide
VoIP Set Up User Guide
Guide to Adding a New VoIP Line onto your Existing System
How do I add a new VoIP line onto my CRM account?
Quick Video Tutorial - Manage your new VoIP phone line inside your CRM account
Guide to adding a new VoIP line number to your current VoIP set up
Can I use my existing VoIP phones and phone lines with the CRM system?
Outgoing calls I make are shown as another users profile on the Dashboard and not my own - why?
Phone Line Configuration
How many phone lines do I need to set up?
What is the difference between a physical extension line and a virtual extension line?
Ring options - Ring Group or Hunt Group configurations
What is a Call Queue option?
IVR (Auto Receptionist) Option
See all 19 articles
Phone Line Configuration Issues
Hunt Group Line Issues
Ring Group Line Issues
Calls we dial internally or externally or calls we receive are not instantly connecting - the caller is not there or we cannot hear them when we pick up the phone, why?
Phone Line Configuration Issues - When 2 VoIP Lines are Registered onto 1 Phone
Incoming Calls Received on only 1 Phone but not other Phones, why
See all 8 articles
VoIP - Features and How To Guides
How do I set up Click2Call on my VoIP line?
How do I use click2call to make an outgoing call?
Custom Set up - Click2Call for more than one line against a user
I use different phone lines in different locations - how can I use Click2Call?
On-Screen Call Pop Up
About the Call Pop Up Alert Feature
Call Pick Up Feature - Answer a colleagues call and see the caller ID pop up on your screen
Voicemail - Set Up, Playback. SMS and Email Alerts
How do I record a voicemail message on my new VoIP line?
How do I play back my voicemail messages on my phone?
How to divert my VoIP line to voicemail and playback messages on my VoIP phone line
How do I shorten down the number of rings before my line goes to voicemail?
How to set up voicemail alerts to my email address?
See all 6 articles
Call Forwarding and Diverting
What are the costs to divert my VoIP line?
How to divert my VoIP line to a landline/mobile/extension line/voicemail?
FAQ on Call Diverting/Forwarding - missed calls, call routing etc
Issues with call diverting/forwarding
Why when I call my VoIP line that is on divert to another line do I hear 'the person at extension xxx is unavailable' ?
See all 8 articles
Call Recording
How do I set up call recording on my VoIP line?
Do I need to inform customers we are recording their calls?
Information about PCI Compliance for when taking payments over the phone
Mute or pause call recording when taking card payment via phone to be PCI Compliant
What format are call records stored in and how long are they stored in my CRM account?
See all 10 articles
Call Reporting
What Call Tracking and Call Reporting do you offer?
How do I view weekly call volume and duration on a line and call costs?
Can I export out monthly call records?
Customised Call Reporting
Telesales, Help desk, Call Centre Custom report example
Overview Call Report that includes total cost of calls and call duration.
Create a Digiboard to show the daily call stats of the telesales team in real-time
Live Call Listening
Live Call Listening
Click2Call Issues and Troubleshooting
Click2Call is not working - all lines are engaged on outgoing calls - why?
Click2Call ringing another phone and not my own phone!
I cannot get click2call to work on my softphone but can dial on the keypad, why?
When I dial my colleague on her VoIP line it displays another persons name why?
Using Click2Call with a headset plugged into a desk phone
See all 6 articles
Voicemail FAQs and Troubleshooting
How to remove a temporary/busy/mailbox voicemail message on my VoIP line?
Is it possible to send an SMS message to a clients phone to say 'X Company called you'?
I get an error message 'Login incorrect' when trying to access my voicemail box
I am unable to play back my voicemail messages using Firefox browser, why?
My phone line is continuing to ring and ring without going to voicemail
See all 12 articles
Call Pop Up FAQs and Troubleshooting
How the call pop up alert works with a hunt group ring setting
Why do some incoming calls not pop up on my screen?
I rang my VoIP line but I did not see my call pop up alert displayed on screen - why?
When my VoIP line is diverted why does the call pop up alert feature not work on my screen?
Spam Calls - How to Avoid your VoIP Line from being Flagged as Spam
What can I do about my phone number being flagged as 'Spam Caller' ? on mobile phones?
VoIP Network Issues, Routers and Trouble Shooting
Router Set Up and Issues
VoIP System Requirements, Routers and Broadband Speed
What Routers are compatible or incompatible with VoIP?
Quality of Service (QoS) and why this is a must if using VoIP
Common Router Issues
Connected up new router - now all phones are displaying error message 'Error main IP account configuration' - why?
See all 13 articles
Broadband Set Up and Issues
How to test your broadband to see if it is OK for VoIP?
Broadband issues - causes and troubleshooting
What can I do to get even faster upload speeds and bandwidth with my current broadband ADSL package?
Broadband - Intermittent connection
Search broadband providers for VoIP quality - in a particular postcode?
See all 8 articles
Call Quality Issues
Call Quality issues - common reasons and checklist
Issues with call quality on internal transfers to extension numbers
I can make and receive calls but neither party can hear each other on the phone?
Problems Outgoing Calls
Outgoing Call Quality Issues - line breaks up / fades in and out / bad sound / calls cutting off - troubleshooting
Error message on phone 'No IP Connection' I cannot make outgoing calls but can receive incoming calls
Trying to dial an international number but I am asked for a pin?
I cannot make outgoing calls on my VoIP line but I can receive incoming calls, why?
Hearing 'All Circuits are Busy' message when making an outbound call?
See all 14 articles
Problems Incoming Calls
Incoming calls are only ringing some phones and not others, why?
I cannot receive incoming calls but I can make outgoing calls, why?
Incoming calls from mobiles are answered and then transferred to colleagues but the caller is getting an SMS saying missed call why?
I can receive incoming calls on my VoIP line but when I dial out I am calling from a different line to my VoIP line why?
Incoming calls are going straight to voicemail why?
See all 6 articles
VoIP Troubleshooting
VOIP Error Checklist
Error Message ‘Registration at Provider Failed’
Phone displaying error message 'No network connection'
VoIP Phone Line Summary Status - Online or Offline
Having problems connecting my VoIP phone to internet - we need you to do a DOS Command Prompt Ping to IP Address
See all 17 articles
VoIP and VPN (Virtual Private Network) Security
VoIP and VPN (Virtual Private Network) Security
VoIP in Different Locations and Sized Businesses
In a Serviced Office i.e. Regus, Basepoint etc
Moving to a serviced office how do I connect my VoIP line?
I cannot make outgoing calls from my VoIP line in the serviced office I use, why?
Calls outgoing and incoming keep cutting out based in a serviced office, why?
Different Sized Businesses
Can you recommend different VoIP set ups depending on size of my business?
Using Gigaset Dect Phone set up for Micro-Businesses
Moving Offices
Setting up or moving office what do I need to run VoIP?
I am planning to move office with my VoIP lines using a new broadband connection - will this affect my existing phones?
VoIP Pre Setup Checklist
Using the same VoIP Line in the office and at home - user guidance
At Home or Abroad
Can I use my VoIP line and Portable Dect handset abroad?
Using the same VoIP line at home and in the office - user guidance
Can staff work from home and use a VoIP line?
How to disable a VoIP line so that a remote or home worker no longer has access?
If I take my UK VoIP Line and Gigaset Phone with me to Spain will the call quality and cost be the same?
VoIP - Desk Phones
Yealink Desk Phones
Yealink Range of Desk Phones
Can I have a mix of Yealink Desk Phones and Cordless Yealink Dect Phones?
Yealink Desk Phones FAQs and Troubleshooting
Yealink quick start user guide
Setting up Yealink Desk Phone
How to find the IP address on a Yealink Desk Phone
How to access the web interface on a Yealink desk phone
How to register a VoIP phone line onto a Yealink desk phone
See all 24 articles
Polycom Desk Phones
Range of Polycom Desk Phones
Gigaset Maxwell Desk Phone
Maxwell Gigaset Desk Phones
Unidata VoIP Wireless Phone
How to set up your Unidata VoIP Wireless Phone with a CRM account VoIP line.
Cisco Desk Phones FAQs - please note we do not provide support for Cisco phones
Cisco SPA50X SIP Phones User Guide
How to set up a VoIP line onto a Cisco desk phone
Setting up Power over Ethernet (PoE) with a Cisco Desk Phone
Setting up Cisco phone with power adapter
How to find the IP address on a Cisco phone?
See all 27 articles
Polycom Desk Phones FAQs
How to find the IP address on your Polycom Desk Phone
Quick User Guide Manual for Polycom VoIP Desk Phone models 320 and 321
How to access the web utility interface on your Polycom Desk Phone
User Manual for Polycom SoundPoint 32x/33x Phones
How to configure a VoIP line onto a Polycom Desk Phone
See all 7 articles
Gigaset Desk FAQs - these phones are now discontinued
What headset can I use with the Gigaset DESK Phone?
The display on my Gigaset Desk Phone is blank and I cannot receive calls why?
How do I Access my Voicemail Messages from a Gigaset DESK Phone?
How to Connect a New Gigaset Desk phone and Configure a VoIP Line to the Phone
Gigaset Desk phone error message - No Network Connection
See all 59 articles
MPOW Cordless Bluetooth Headset
Using a MPOW cordless bluetooth headset
VoIP - Yealink Cordless Dect Phones and Base Stations
Yealink Cordless Dect Phones
Yealink W53P Cordless DECT Phone and W60B Base Station
Yealink W53H Cordless DECT Phone Handset ONLY
Yealink W56H Cordless DECT Phone Only
Extend the range of a Yealink cordless DECT phone with a Repeater
Can I have a mix of Yealink Desk Phones and Cordless Yealink Dect Phones?
How to set up a Yealink DECT phone and Base Station
How to set up a Yealink DECT Phone and Base Station
How to register a Yealink cordless Dect phone to a Yealink Base Station
How to Register a Phone Line onto a Yealink Base Station
How to find the IP address on a Yealink cordless phone
How to login to the Yealink web interface
Yealink Dect Phones - Troubleshooting
Line forbidden message displayed on Yealink Dect phone
How to do a Pcap Trace for a Yealink phone
My Yealink Dect Phone keeps beeping continually, how do I stop this?
VoIP Dialler System
How to use the Dialler for outbound calls
How to use the Dialler system for outbound calls
Managing your VoIP line with the Dialler
What headset can I use with the Dialler system
Headsets to use with the Dialler system
My headset is not working with the Dialler system
VoIP Dialler Troubleshooting
I cannot use the Dialler to make outgoing calls
I hear no audio on the Dialler - I cannot hear people on the other end of the call
My headset is not working with the Dialler system
Click2Call using the Dialler is no longer working, why?
Troubleshooting FAQs for Dialler System
See all 7 articles
VoIP - Using 3rd Party Softphones
VoIP Softphone - on PC or MAC
What is a Softphone?
What Softphones do you recommend with a VoIP phone line?
Recommended headsets when using a Softphone
How to set up your VoIP line to run on X-Lite Softphone for Windows?
How to set up your VoIP line on X-Lite Softphone for Mac users only
See all 11 articles
VoIP Softphone - on Smart Phones and Tablets
How to set up X-Lite Softphone on a Smart Phone or Tablet
I cannot find a solution for X-Lite on Smart Phones or Tablet issues - what can I do?
X-Lite Softphone issues - Troubleshooting
X-Lite softphone user guide
I cannot connect calls on my X-Lite softphone, why?
Getting a 408 error from X-Lite when setting up on Mac
Softphone X-Lite registration error - 408 timed out message
Trying to set up X-Lite on my Mac version 10.6.8 not working - why?
See all 8 articles
VoIP - Discontinued Dect/Desk phones
Range of Gigaset Dect Phones, Headsets and Base Stations
Range of Cordless Dect Phones
About the N300 IP Base Station
What is the warranty period on phone equipment purchased?
About the N510 IP Pro Base Station
Using DECT phones and DESK phones together in an office
See all 6 articles
Discontinued Gigaset Dect Phones
OLD STOCK - All about Gigaset C610 DECT portable phone
OLD STOCK - All about Gigaset C430H DECT portable phone
OLD STOCK - Gigaset SL400H DECT portable phone
OLD STOCK - Gigaset E49H DECT portable phone
OLD STOCK - All about Gigaset S510H DECT portable phone
Discontinued Yealink Desk Phones
Discontinued Yealink Desk Phones
Set Up Gigaset Dect Phone and Base Station
How to register a Gigaset Dect phone to a Gigaset Base Station
How do I login to the Base Station web interface?
I have registered my Phone to my N300 Base Station but my VoIP line is still shown as Offline and I cannot make or receive calls, why?
How do I Alter which Phone Rings when Incoming Calls are Received on a DECT phone
My Click2Call is not working with my dect phone why?
See all 12 articles
Discontinued Gigaset Desk Phones
OLD STOCK - All about the Gigaset DE310 DESK Phone
OLD STOCK - All about Gigaset DE410 DESK phone
OLD STOCK - All about the Gigaset DE700 DESK phone
OLD STOCK - All about the Gigaset DE900 DESK phone
Using a Gigaset Cordless Dect Phone
How to transfer, hold or retrieve calls on a Dect Phone
I am using a Gigaset Dect C430 phone and I am unable to put a caller on hold using the 0 key why?
How do I access my voicemail messages from my Gigaset Dect phone?
How to make a conference call from a Gigaset Dect phone?
How Do I Change the Name Displayed on my Gigaset DECT Phone?
See all 9 articles
Remote Configuration of Gigaset Dect Phone and Base Station
Expand your Gigaset Dect VoIP set up to increase volume of incoming and outgoing calls
How to Register a New VoIP Line onto a Gigaset Base Station and Dect Phone
How to Pair up a Gigaset Dect Handset with a Gigaset Base Station
Registering a New Gigaset DECT Phone to an Existing N300 or N510 Base Station
Using Gigaset Dect Phones and Gigaset Desk Phones Together - User Guidance
See all 10 articles
Gigaset - De-activating Dect Phones, Base Stations and VoIP Lines
How to remove a VoIP line from a Base Station
How to move VoIP lines over from one Base Station to another Base Station?
How to disable a VoIP line from a phone or softphone for remote or home workers?
Gigaset Dect Line Capacity issues - number of calls receiving in or making out
Small/Micro Business VoIP set up suggestion as the business grows using Dect Phones and Base Units
Line capacity issues - only allows 2 calls through, why?
If 3 people are on the phone, no other calls can be made, using Gigaset N300 Base Station
If 2 users with VoIP phone extensions are on the phone and another user rings in on their extension, no one can pick that call up from another extension, why?
If all 3 users with phone lines are on the phone, no other incoming calls can get through, and no outgoing calls can be made - why?
See all 10 articles
Gigaset Phone FAQ's
My Gigaset Dect phone has an error message 'Registration at Provider Failed' why ?
I cannot make outgoing calls on my VoIP line why? I am using a DECT Phone and Base Unit
I can receive calls OK on my VoIP line but I cannot make any outbound calls why? Using a Gigaset Dect phone
I cannot pick up an incoming call on my Dect phone, why?
My Dect phone is flashing Base what does this mean?
See all 21 articles
Web Form Integration and Online Surveys
Auto Feed Website Forms into the CRM
Auto Feed Website Forms into your CRM account
Custom Designed Web Form Service
Auto Feed Ecommerce Widgets i.e Shopify etc
Auto feed Shopify orders from my website into CRM account
None of my online orders are being fed via Shopify into my CRM account why?
Auto Feed in Facebook Contact us form into the CRM
Auto feed Facebook enquiries straight into your CRM account
Create Websites and Survey Forms
Send out Surveys from your CRM account
Send targeted email campaigns with integrated web forms via your CRM account
Custom Website Design Service
Web Form Auto Feed FAQs and Troubleshooting
Website enquiries are no longer feeding through into my CRM account, why?
Will an enquiry from a web form merge with an existing contact if in our CRM database?
How do I measure AB split success of web form campaigns in my CRM account?
Contacts auto fed into the system from our website are not tagged correctly inside the database why?
2 Factor Authentication
How to activate 2 Factor Authentication
How to deactivate 2 Factor Authentication
2 Factor Authentication Troubleshooting
Manage your CRM Settings
Dashboard Tool Box
Manage Dashboard using the Tool Box
Account - Users
How to Add a New CRM User
Manage Users
Account - Permissions
Dashboard Permissions
Account - Users - Audits
View Audit Information
Account - Users - Permissions
User Permissions
Account - Roles
About Account - Roles
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Improved Mobile View of CRM
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Capture key client information on the go using forms
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New Interface
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Ability to Edit File Repository
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Flag up Peoples birthdays
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Ability to Search on History of a Contact
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