How to Send an Email to a Client by Integrating your Email Client

How to send out an email via contact record using your email client such as Outlook, Gmail etc
How to Send Emails inside a Contact Record: Click here to watch a quick video or follow the instructions below:    1. Go into an existing contact and ...
Wed, 23 Dec, 2020 at 1:45 AM
I have more than 1 email address that I send emails from, how do I link this to my user profile?
If you have more than one email address that you use to send out emails to your contacts database, you will need to add these extra email addresses to your ...
Wed, 23 Dec, 2020 at 1:45 AM
Email sent to a contact has not copied across into the contacts record inside the History, why?
Please make sure that you have used your CRM account unique email drop box address. This unique email drop box address will be the following: yourco...
Wed, 23 Dec, 2020 at 1:45 AM
Sending email to our email drop box address is not landing inside the contacts record, why?
If you are forwarding an email and sending it to your own email drop box address it will put a copy of the email inside your own contact record. If you ...
Wed, 23 Dec, 2020 at 1:46 AM
I have sent out emails via the CRM to my contacts today but they are not landing inside the contacts history, why?
Please check the email address you are using to send from - is this email address logged against your own CRM contact record?   Please note: that any em...
Wed, 23 Dec, 2020 at 1:46 AM
How do I add a new email address for an existing contact?
1. Go to the Contacts icon 2. Search for the contact you wish to edit information for by entering the name or company name in the search bar as sho...
Wed, 23 Dec, 2020 at 1:47 AM
How do I set the default email address for a contact with more than 1 email?
If a contact has more then one email address but you want to use one as the default then the way to do this is to select the radial button against the email...
Wed, 23 Dec, 2020 at 1:48 AM
Tags blocking view of a contacts email address - how can I send an email to this contact and record that email against their contact record?
If you are unable to view a contacts email address due to their being lots of contact information has been recorded on the business card section inside the ...
Wed, 23 Dec, 2020 at 1:48 AM
Every time I click on a contacts email address a pop up email comes up instead of my email client why?
The pop up email is another way of sending emails to your contacts which sends the email out over the e-Marketing platform which allows you to track the res...
Wed, 23 Dec, 2020 at 1:51 AM