Forwarding Emails into your CRM Account Individually or Automatically

Using the email dropbox address when sending emails or forwarding emails into the CRM system
Quick Video: Please click here to view a short video on how to forward emails automatically and manually into your CRM account.  Use your email dropbox ...
Wed, 23 Dec, 2020 at 1:54 AM
How to forward an email into a specific contact record?
If you want to store an email you have received from someone or sent to someone,  inside a specific contacts record (either inside the contact record the e...
Wed, 23 Dec, 2020 at 1:55 AM
Auto feed all email directly into your CRM account and set up an optional spam filter
Automatically forward all emails you receive into your CRM account As part of the email drop box which is set up for every CRM account you have the op...
Wed, 23 Dec, 2020 at 1:55 AM
Automatically send emails from known contacts into your CRM
Emails you receive from known contacts can be automatically forwarded into your CRM account.  This means that a copy of any email you recei...
Wed, 23 Dec, 2020 at 2:05 AM
Can I send an email to multiple email addresses and have them forwarded into my CRM account?
How to forwards emails into your CRM account from your email client? You can send emails from your email client such as Outlook, Gmail etc to your CRM a...
Wed, 23 Dec, 2020 at 1:56 AM
Emails sent to our unique email drop box address to land inside the CRM are bouncing back as undelivered, why?
Please look at the undeliverable email you are getting as it is likely that the mail server you are using, via your email provider to send emails to us (usi...
Wed, 23 Dec, 2020 at 1:56 AM
I have forwarded an email I received into my unique email drop box address but now I cannot see the email - where is it?
You will find the email you forwarded in using your unique email drop box address ([email protected]) inside your own contact record inside...
Wed, 23 Dec, 2020 at 1:57 AM
Why has an email I forwarded into the CRM landed inside my own contact record and not the persons record it should be stored in?
If you simply forward an email you have received in your email inbox into your CRM account email drop box address it will associate the email with your own ...
Wed, 23 Dec, 2020 at 1:57 AM
How to set up a email forward in Outlook 365 desktop addition
If you want to set up an automatic forward of your emails received in Microsoft Outlook 365 (desktop addition) to be sent into your CRM account please fo...
Wed, 23 Dec, 2020 at 1:57 AM