To view the date the custom fields were last updated within a contact record you need to set up a custom field to populate this information.  Here is a step by step guide.

How to set up Custom Field - Last update Date within a contact record

1. Go to Settings inside your CRM account.

2. Click on Global Settings

3.  Scroll down to the Global Custom Fields section and click on the + Add New button to add a new custom field.

4. A blank text field will appear, type in Custom Fields - Updated and next choose the drop down menu Readonly Special option.  Click Update Settings to save (as shown above). 

5. Go back into Settings, Global fields and back down to Custom Fields - now there is a blank box at the end of the Custom Fields - Updated row.

6.  You MUST enter or copy and paste the following text as it is shown in CAPITAL letters - LASTUPDATED  (no spaces) - see example below.  (if you do not enter this text the update date will not change once something is edited)

7. Click the Update Settings button to save.

8.  If you want to move the custom fields updated to display further up in a contact record use the ^ arrow on the right hand side to move it upwards then click on Update Settings to save.

Now when you go into a contact record you will see the new custom field and if you update any of your custom fields the date will change to today's date as shown below in red: 

However if you do not change any custom fields then it will show the last date that they were changed automatically for you to view.