1. You can setup your contacts to default to a set tag group(s) if you wish so that you are viewing only new-leads for example when you first look at Contacts.

2. To do this go to the Settings icon along the top of your CRM

3. Inside the Settings window you will see a field called Contacts Startup Tags - just enter the tag name(s) you wish to see when you first view contacts - please use a comma to separate more than 1 tag group - as shown below:

4. Click on Update Settings to save your changes.   

5. Next time you click on the Contacts icon inside your CRM you will see your contacts by the tag groups you have set as shown below in red:

6. To remove any of the tag filters just click on the red X beside each tag name:

7. This will remove the tag filter and all contacts in the database will then be displayed.

8. If you wish to remove the contacts startup tag filter permanently you will need to remove this from inside the Settings where you set the tag filer up - if you remove the tags that are listed in this field as shown below and click on Update Settings this will remove any tag filters in place.