Many businesses use our CRM to track and automate specific work flow processes to save time and at a glance the team can see where in the process a lead is currently at. 

Traffic light workflow buttons:

Here is an example of a workflow automated process: 

Click on Enquiry Source button – choose source lead came in on as shown in the example below: 

Click on Qualification button – custom pop up screen to capture all the stages you want to ask   when qualifying a lead, project, job etc.  See example above.  Note red headings are compulsory fields.

Click on Quote button – pop up to generate quote form – could use this same layout for invoice, delivery note, booking confirmation, proposal etc.

Another Popular Button is for Call Back or Follow up calls where you can set up a button to trigger a Task - see example:

Assign a Task Trigger to team members, add in description of that task and date and time

The workflow system can be customised to your particular business requirements.  To find out more please contact our Support Helpdesk.