Most small-micro businesses start with Gigaset Dect Phones with a Gigaset N300 IP Base Station which allows for 3 consecutive lines. Alternatively there is the Gigaset N510 IP Base Station which allows for 4 consecutive lines.  

This is usually configured to a main phone line (company business line) and then sitting behind this main number are physical extensions (additional lines so that you can transfer calls, off those lines). 

If a call is transferred this takes up 2 lines leaving just enough capacity to receive in 1 more line (if using the N300 IP Base Station) or receive in 2 more consecutive calls (if using the N510 IP Base Station) at that given time.   So there are limitations to this type of system.

As the business grows and the call capacity increases then there are a number of options available:

The cheapest option is for us to:

1. Add in another Gigaset Base Station to your existing Base Station so you are running more than one base plugged into your router(s).  

This will then allow us to separate out some of the physical extensions and handsets associated to them between the 2 Base Stations to increase the call capacity.   Dependent on the model of Base Station you use you could go from receiving in 4 consecutive calls to being able to receive in up to 8 consecutive calls by using two Base Stations. 

2. However please always be mindful that it still means that if you transfer a call it would take up 2 phone lines in capacity.  

So if 2 calls came in and were transferred and you had 2 x N510 Base Stations (that allowed 4 consecutive lines in per base) this would take up 4 lines and then just leaves 4 incoming calls available, not 6 at that given time.  

So it will still have its limitations.  Obviously the call capacity would be less if you were using the Gigaset N300 IP Base Stations (where you have just 3 consecutive calls coming in).

3. The cost of adding in the extra N510 Base Station is: £54.16 + £7.79 delivery + VAT

The more expensive option would be to upgrade to the Medium Business VoIP capacity set up now the business is growing.

Depending on your budget if you anticipate that your business is going to start growing rapidly in the near future it may be more advisable to upgrade to a more powerful system so that you will not have limited capacity as described in the small business VoIP set up above.

If you wish to find out more about this then let us know and we can cost this out against your specific custom brief and requirements please contact our Support Desk.