What is auto-numbering?

A series of numbers are added against a client contact record - i.e. a reference/order/sales number.  

Who uses it and why?

Many business use auto numbering to be able to cross reference order details against contacts for many different reasons i.e. track orders, sales or as a reference number.  

Companies use the auto numbering i.e. may want to associating file numbers for each contact/dispatch orders etc. Recruitment agencies use it to track candidates against clients

Where is it located in my CRM account?

An auto-number is set up within the custom field section of a contact record and can be moved to any part of that screen i.e at top or bottom - displayed in a logical area that you want on the screen.  Here is a example screenshot.

This show C - for candidate (against tag candidate category so it will only display in those contacts) and then the number so both alpha and numeric range has been used in this example below:

What do you need to set it up?

1. Is it tag related i.e. do you want it to show the automated number only on certain tagged contacts i.e. all candidates, orders etc?

2. Should it start at a number other than 0

3. Does it require a prefix with alpha and numerical numbering… e.g. AA0000

4. What custom field should it be associated with 

5. Do we need to create a separate heading i.e. reference number, candidate reference as the heading for the auto-number?

Please contact our Support Helpdesk if you wish to add this to your CRM account.