This could be because your email address has been blocked - please contact our Support Helpdesk with your email address so we can check and get your email address unblocked if necessary. 

You may also have inadvertently unsubscribed your email address from receiving the calendar event notification emails from us - in this case we can re-subscribe your email address. 

It may also be that you are not the 'owner' for the calendar that the event has been set up for - the email notification/reminder will go out to the person who owns that calendar. 

Another reason could be that you do not have an email address linked to your CRM user profile - if this is the case you will need to make sure you have an email address added to your own contact record inside your database - please click here to see more about this.   

Your contact record is linked to all your activity in your CRM account and the email address associated to your contact record is where all task emails and calendar event emails are sent to.   

Please make sure your email address is correctly recorded against your contact record by searching for your name inside your contacts database and if necessary add in your email address.  Please click here to read more about this.