When upgrading a Gigaset Desk Phone to the latest firmware please make sure that you save and then restore your phones configuration settings such as the line configuration, ring tones, BEFORE doing the firmware upgrade as if you do not save the configuration you will lose this when the firmware update has finished. 

When the firmware has been upgraded you will then need to restore the configuration back onto the phone.  


Please read a step by step guide below on how to save your phone line configuration settings before doing a firmware upgrade: 

1. Login to your Phones Gigaset web interface - click here to see how

2. Click on the 'Settings'/ 'System' /'Save and Restore' options as shown below: 

3. Click on the ‘Save’ option – this will download a file with your phone's configuration settings.

4. We would suggest renaming this file to be say the last 3 digits of the IP address – so you will know which phone configuration to restore later.   The file will download onto your PC as a DAT file you will not need to open it up at this stage. 

5. Then go to the ‘Firmware Update’ tab and click on ‘Update Firmware’ as shown below:

6. This will then download the firmware (the latest version is 2.01.00) and install it – it will take approximately 10 minutes for the firmware to update. 

7. When the phone has rebooted, you can log back into the admin console and restore the saved configuration file as shown below:

8. Click on Log off when finished.