An External IP address is a public IP address which could be a static IP address or a dynamic IP address. 


An Internal IP address is a local network which could be on either a dynamic IP address or a static IP address.  

If your computer is on a private network (behind a firewall or router) then your computer's IP address is only valid in your own local network. 

When you connect to another machine on the Internet, that machine will not see your internal IP address. Instead it will see the IP address assigned by your Internet Service Provider – you can find out your public IP address by typing my ip address into most search engines.

Typically most routers are configured to automatically assign you an internal IP address – however some networks are configured to use static IP addresses – and if your network is configured in this way – please let us know – so that we can ensure that devices like VoIP phones are configured correctly.

If you have a static public IP address then we can apply enhanced security restrictions on your account – so that your account can only be accessed from the specified IP address.

If you have any questions please contact our Support Helpdesk for assistance.